"If it's played as a Sport, it's a Sport..."

Airsoft as a competitive, structured competition…


Organised by Airsoft League Ltd, long-term Airsoft players and event organisers.


Every Sport has Rules and Regulations, and ‘Laws of the Game’…
so we have developed them for Airsoft.


Games are standard and repeatable, with the League format set-up to remove
any possible bias for start and/or objective locations.


Teams and Players must be registered with the League and commit to playing
as part of a team, within the Rules.


All efforts will be made to remove much of the ‘honour system’ by use of
technology and all games will be scored using standard, understood methods.


And there will be clear winners in each round, each gameday which will
decide a League Champion!


"It's a season of two halfs..."


Six Teams of six (or more) Registered Players...

playing Ten Saturday gamedays in a season…

Starting in Autumn 2025 – Autumn/Winter Block of Five days.

On Saturdays, every Three weeks - so as not to interfere with Sunday games,

and allows for teams to train between matches, if they want.

6th September to 29th November 2025

Mid Season Break – allows for Player transfers 

Spring/Summer Block of Five gamedays

5th February to 26th April 2026

Every Three weeks, culminating in crowning of League Champions 


"Are you a Team Player..."


Each Player will have to Register with the League and be 'signed-to' a Registered Team


Teams need to have all Players registered with the League

Games are 6 v 6 (or 8 v 8) with substitutes allowed if wished

Players cannot 'chop and change' between Teams - transfer only in the Mid-Season Break


Players need to commit time, effort (and money) to their Team

Commit to playing Ten Saturdays in the Year

Commit to supporting their Team

Commit to Playing Eight 20min games in a day

Rotating within the day with breaks in-between

The 'Play two: Rest one' format ensures teams not over-stressed 


Normally playing each gameday, ten days over the Season.


"So, what are we doing?..."


An absolute  minimum of three, 'Tester' events prior to the launch of the League.

These will be Testing:

Arena Layouts, Game Types & Durations

Team Sizes and Organisation

Change-over Timings

Referee and Marshall Roles

Scoring and League Administration

Whilst also:

Giving Players a 'feel' for the events/games... 
and what they might need to put together a successful League Team.


Culminating in a Pre-Season Test (a mini-league), hopefully with 
the core of Teams who have agreed to take part in the League.


"Let's get this right, shall we..."


The GameTypes are set-up to be repeatable and fair... 

with each Team playing every other Team...
at all four GameType... in Two Arenas.


Two Arenas – areas of play – set-up to be as similar as possible

Two games played concurrently at same GameType, third pair of teams in Safe Zone

Each Arena with two Marshalls, and one SAL Referee

Supported by roaming League Supervisor, Managed by League Administrator


"How many? How often? When?..."


Winter/Spring 2024

Min 3 x Events (half or full-day) - 24 to 40 players

Pre-Season Test - hopefully full day 6 x teams of 6 players


Autumn/ Winter Block 2025

Five GameDays - Full Day – 36+ Players per day

Results and League standings published on Web-Site,
Facebook, Instagram, Discord

Mid Season Break - Dec 25 to Jan 26

Player Transfer Window - Managed by League Admin 
also published to web/fb/insta/discord

Spring/Summer Block 2026

Five GameDays - Full Day – 36+ Players per day

League Champion and other Results published on Web-Site,
Facebook, Instagram, Discord

Depot Cup and other Prizes awarded

Join us in shaping the future of the Scottish Airsoft League

Your feedback is the key to our success. Help us create a vibrant, exciting and competitive airsoft league...

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Full League 10 Pdf
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