Law 4 - Players' Equipment



At all times, safety of Players and Officials is paramount, and any rule, regulation or law
which compromises this safety, will be considered invalid and subject to review.

Any Players who have medical needs, which may require medication should carry such items within
their left-hand shoulder of trouser pocket for easy access.


Any player with a medical condition which may affect their fitness to participate must inform
League Admin at time of Registration, or otherwise at their earliest convenience.

These facts should also be discussed with Site Management/Staff who may take such action as they see fit.

Mandatory Safety Calls MUST be acted upon by ALL Players, in ALL play areas:

“Cease Fire!” – all players must cease all actions immediately, switch their weapon(s) to ‘safe’
and place it/them on the floor, and wait further instructions.

“Evacuate!” – in the event of a fire/emergency Players should follow Site staff instructions for evacuation.


Compulsory Equipment

All Players MUST wear eye-protection at ALL times when within the Area of Play,
Full face protection is recommended but not mandatory.
this can only be removed after leaving this area.

All Players MUST wear their Team Colour Arm-bands/Tapes, and clearly display their
Player Identification Number at all times.

All Players MUST carry an issued Medic Band with then during gameplay
and have it ready to deploy at all times.

In the interest of fairness, it is strongly recommended that all weapons used by Players
are fitted with a 'Tracer' unit and Tracer BBs used in game


Team Identification

There are no rules specific to individual or team uniforms, but Players must wear issued,
Team Coloured Arm-bands at all times during games.


Before Teams enter the Area of Play for a Match, League Admin will determine which team
will be designated Alpha/Yellow and which Bravo/Blue, for the purposes of the individual Game Type as documented.



In addition to the restrictions under Law 2, all weapons used must be clearly tagged after
Chrono checks, and will be subject to re-check at the discretion of Officials.


Weapons must NOT be ‘dry-fired’ within the Safe Zone. The Barrel must be cleared,
all magazines must be removed, and shown clear to Officials before leaving the Area of Play.



Teams are encouraged to use Team radios, but this is not a requirement of play.

Marshalls and other Officials will have and use radios for game management and safety,
these radios will be the only ones displaying a flashing light.