Law 3 - The Players


Number of Players

The maximum number of Registered Players for any game will be seven (7),
comprising a player Team Captain, 2iC (Second in Charge) and six (5) Players  – the Full Roster.

The minimum number of Registered Players will be five (5).


Any Team attending without their Full Roster must inform the League Admin prior to the start of any game.


Solely the discretion of the SAL Referee, any team which attends with half or less than their Full Roster,
may be allowed to continue without penalty under the Emergency Substitution Procedure.                

Emergency Substitution Procedure

The Team Captain must, under normal circumstance, contact SAL League Admin a
minimum of 24hrs prior to a gameday to inform that they are at half-strength or less.

Any less than 24hrs notice may be accepted at the discretion of the SAL Admin.

Subject to the approval of the SAL Referee, Teams in this situation may substitute other
un-registered players up to the minimum number.


Un-registered Players will be subject to a Substitution Fee of £5.00 and this must be paid
as part of the gameday fees. This will act as a temporary Registration for that gameday only.


Substitute Players my opt to become fully Registered for the remainder of the Season,
by payment of the Player Registration Fee, or such proportion as determined by the SAL Admin.

Team Captain

Each Team must have a Player designated as ‘Captain’ who be responsible for
managing the Team (in-game and out) and making all communications to and from SAL Referee,
Match Officials and League Admin.


Any change to the Team Captain must be communicated to the SAL Admin by the
designated Second-in-Command (2iC) a minimum of 24hrs prior to any gameday.


Player Conduct

Any players found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs (non-prescription)
will be ejected from the League, and permanently banned from all SAL Events.

Addition sanctions may be taken by the Site Owners, entirely at their discretion.