Law 5 - Referees & Officials
Authority of the Match Officials
Each game will be administered by a SAL Appointed Referee and Registered Marshals.
The Officials shall roam throughout the play area to ensure fair play.
Decisions of the Referee
All decisions taken by the SAL referee are final there is NO appeal.
Any dissent from decisions or actions taken by the Referee should be reported to the League Supervisor.
Powers & Duties
The Referees/Officials have been appointed by the League and have been selected
to have an un-biased overview of gameplay.
Referees and other Officials shall carry a pistol or other weapon which may, from time to time,
be used for ‘test-shots’ on individuals suspected of unsporting behaviour.
All instructions given by match officials are for the safety of the Player and Official and/or to ensure fair play –
refusal to follow these instruction may trigger disciplinary action(s).
Disciplinary Action
Any Player who does not respond correctly to a ‘test-shot’, is suspected of other unsportsmanlike
conduct or refusal to adhere to any other instruction from a Referee or other Official will be given :
A verbal warning, followed by Instruction to Move to the SinBin, (Inside the DMZ Area) where the player will be
met by the League Administrator who will implement a two minute countdown - the Player
MUST remain for two minutes (as timed by the League Admin), before being released.
The SinBinned Player must then return to their reSpawn BEFORE returning to play.
A further offence will result in a second Yellow Card, which will automatically equate to a Red Card.
A serious transgression of the rules, especially (but not limited to) violence, or any action which could affect
the safety of players & officials, will automatically result in the player being awarded a Red Card.
Likewise the award of more than a single Yellow Card within any two consecutive
games will result in an automatic Red Card.
A Red Carded player must immediately return to the Safe Zone and their Team must play a
man down for the remainder of the game - AND THE TEAM'S NEXT GAME.
Any further offences may result in the Player being ejected from the site for the remainder of the day
(This will be confirmed by League Supervisor, League Admin in consultation with the Site Owner/Marshals).
Such offences MAY result the Player being banned from the League.
Other disciplinary actions may be taken by the Site Owners separate from the
Airsoft League, entirely at their own discretion.
Repeat offenders may have disciplinary action taken which may materially
affect their Team’s standing in the League.
Officials’ Equipment
Each Official shall wear High-visibility or other designated clothing ~
which will identify them as non-Players.
Each Official shall carry a Radio to communicate between themselves,
the League Supervisor and, if required, League Admin.
The Referee shall carry, or have available to them, such technology as is required
to ensure each match runs for the allocated time.
Liability of Match Officials
Any referee or other match official is not held liable for:
any kind of injury suffered by a player, official or spectator
any damage to property of any kind
any other loss suffered, which is due or may be due to any decision taken under the Laws of the League.
Nor for any rulings may include a decision:
to abandon a match for whatever reason
as to the suitability of equipment used during a match
to stop or not stop play to allow or require an injured player to be removed from the Area of Play
to allow or not allow a player to wear certain clothing
any other decision taken in accordance with the Laws of the League.