SEASON 2025-26


I agree to play in the Scottish Airsoft League, and sign this document to confirm my intention to engage in this activity.

The game is physically and mentally intense and may require extreme exertion to play. The games may be dangerous if not played in accordance with the stated rules. I am fully aware of the risks of injury to myself and others involved in playing and will abide by the SAL Laws of the League, the SAL Rules & Regulations and shall read / listen to the site safety rules and briefing.

I have signed a waiver of liability for the Venue, releasing them and the owners of the property forever from any claims and liabilities whatsoever.

I herewith also release Airsoft League Ltd and the Scottish Airsoft League similarly, on my behalf, my heirs, my executors, my assignees and administrators.

By signing this waiver I fully agree that Airsoft League Ltd and the Scottish Airsoft League have taken all reasonable and practicable action to protect my health and safety. I accept that this declaration is valid for the entire Playing Season within which it is made.

To be completed by ALL Players and forwarded with payment of Annual Registration Fee.

One form is required per player. Please complete ALL sections as appropriate